I want to cerate a presentation template for my own.
Reval js is a nice tool with many features (code highlighting, print view vor pfg export, process bar, ...).
For my template, I want to seperate slides in diffrent files, but without compiling the source code, when i add new slides.
We should use more often the browsers es-modules feature to load javascript.
You can mark content in js Files as for export:
export default function () {
return 'foo';
Then you can access the content from script blocks or in other js files
<script type="module">
import things from "./demo.js"
Preact is a great project with the same api like react, but with a smaller footprint.
And it could be used without compiling step.
each slide is in a seperate preact component.
import { html } from "../src/html.js";
import { Slide } from "../src/slide.js";
export default function () {
return html`<${Slide}>
in a summery file are oll slides in the right order included:
import { html } from "./src/html.js";
import IntroSlide from "./slides/intro.js";
import OutroSlide from "./slides/outro.js";
import OtherSlide from "./slides/other.js";
export function Slides() {
return html`<div class="slides">
<${IntroSlide} />
<${OtherSlide} />
<${OutroSlide} />